Tool Rental Huntington

tool rental long islandDid you know that an air compressor can do a variety of work? Many people think an air compressor is just for construction, but it is more than that. It is a device that is not just limited to construction workers, but anyone can use and own it. If you don’t want to buy one, then you borrow one from a tool rental Huntington. At Carbon Equipment Corp, we offer a variety of equipment that provides you with the solutions and services you need.  


What is an air compressor?

An air compressor is a device that converts power into potential energy stored in pressurized air that is used to power construction tools and industrial equipment. It is one of the most important houses and workshop tools as you can do many useful things with it. You can either buy one or rent one from a tool rental Huntington. 


How can I use my air compressor?


  • Spray painting: Most people paint their furniture or walls with either a brush or a roller, but it can also be done with an air compressor. You can save a lot of time and can also get a better result than with the brush and roller.


  • Vehicle maintenance: Cleaning your car and filling your tires in another way an air compressor can be used for. For instance, you can clean parts of your car that you can’t normally reach, like the fuel, bolts, and sockets. Also, it can help keep your car tires at the right pressure, which can save fuel and save you money from auto repairs. 


  • Cleaning: It can also help you clean your garage or shop since it can release large amounts of air which can remove dirt and particle build-ups. Normally, there are certain spots or places that you can’t clean using regular cleaning tools, but with an air compressor, you can.



  • Weeding: Weeding your garden can be time-consuming, and if you haven’t done it in a while, it can be harder and take even longer. However, an air compressor can also help you weed your garden faster. 


Contact us

If you think an air compressor can be beneficial to you, please don’t hesitate to contact us today for a tool rental Huntington.

tool rental long islandGenerators are a reliable tool when the power goes out due to a blackout, brownout, or permanent fault. Generators are essentially backup power sources that convert fuel like propane, diesel, or gasoline into electrical energy. At Carbon Equipment Corp., we can supply you with one of the multiple types of generators we carry. If you need tool rental Huntington, consider our company to serve your needs at affordable costs.


Benefits of Generators

Hurricane season in New York typically lasts from August through October. During this time, it is recommended to be prepared in case a severe storm occurs. Hurricanes can result in a power outage, so one way to prepare is to have a generator on hand. Generators become the primary sources of electrical supply during power outages. They convert motive power into electrical power for use in an external circuit. Plan for natural disasters by considering our tool rental Huntington.


Types of Fuel for Generators

Generators are convenient and can ensure your day isn’t interrupted by an unexpected blackout from a hurricane. It is important to always have fuel for your generator on hand. The fuel needed for your generator depends on the type of generator you have. Some examples of fuel for generators include the following:

  • Gasoline
  • Diesel
  • Natural gas
  • Propane
  • Bi-Fuel
  • Solar power
  • Battery power


Safety Tips for Generators

If you obtain a generator from our tool rental Huntington , it is crucial to use caution when dealing with the generator to avoid injuries. Safety tips for generators include the following:

  • Read the owner’s manual before using your generator.
  • Use the generator outside, away from openings in your house.
  • Hire an electrician to install a transfer switch to wire your generator to your household.
  • Keep your generator dry and avoid water.
  • Avoid overloading the generator by giving it a break.


Contact Our Company

If you want to be prepared for hurricane season or other natural disasters, have a generator accessible. Consider our tool rental Huntington  to provide you with a high-quality generator. Call Carbon Equipment Corp. today to learn about the innovative equipment we have ready to be provided to you!



Carbon Equipment Corp.